Winter Semester 2022/2023
Mining Massive Datasets (IMMD)
Lecture (Artur Andrzejak)
Monday 16:00-17:30, INF 252 Chemistry, Hörsaal West (HSW). Note: starts exactly at 16:00 CET.
Tutorial 1: Tuesday 16:15-18:00, SR C, INF 205
Tutorial 2: Wednesday 16:15-18:00, SR C, INF 205
Tutorial 2: Friday 14:15-16:00, SR B, INF 205
Registration for exercises: Müsli (mandatory)
Further Information: Moodle, Müsli, Module description, LSF lecture, LSF tutorials
Please register via Müsli before the first lecture. The tutorial day can be changed later.
Course Content Overview
- Programming paradigms for massively parallel data processing, especially Apache Spark.
- Algorithms and application cases for scalable data analysis:
- Recommendation systems
- Search for similar objects (locality sensitive hashing)
- Large graph mining and link analysis
- Mining of data streams
- Finding frequent itemsets
- Advertising on the Web
- Graph neural networks.
- Theory and practice of scalability and tuning of frameworks.
Check the accompanying book Mining of Massive Datasets for more details on most of these topics.
Praktikum ISE "Advanced Web Applications"
Information Systems Engineering Projekt (Artur Andrzejak)
Monday 14:15-16:00, INF 205 / SR Statistik (104)
Topics will be discussed during the first meeting, 17 October 2022 at 14:15 CEST. Please attend this meeting if you want to participate.
Please register in Müsli before the first meeting.
Further information: Moodle, Müsli, LSF, Modulhandbuch (search for Vertiefung Information Systems Engineering)